
Supported by google trends

Global Population Dynamics

Africa is growing, Europe is dying: Net birth-death rate across nations.

Personal Project

Wake up

A visual exploration of the tragedy of US school shootings.

Supported by google trends

Migration between Search & Reality

A visual exploration of the gap between the reality of the world’s migrants and search interest.

Personal Project

The angry face of nature

A visual exploration of the severe natural disasters that happened during the recent history, since 1900. 

Personal Project

the unwelcomed

A visual exploration of migrants/refugees dying or going missing while attempting to cross international borders in the period between 2014 and 2019.

One of the critiques that you often hear in data journalism is that the end product can seem cold or clinical. Not this project. You are reminded of the intense emotional and physical journey of migrants and refugees as soon as you read the open lines: “My blue country…” This is a beautiful and thoughtful piece that doesn’t let you forget the story behind the data.

The Pudding

Personal Project


In more than a century since 1912, nearly 17,000 horror films have been produced according to IMDB’s classification and out of this total, around 14,000 films have been rated.

Explore every rated horror film ever made since 1912 until end of 2019.

Personal Project

POLES of Egyptian football 

The competition is continuing between the Red team and the White team in an effort to sit on the throne of Egyptian football, and the history is still witnessing and recording. 
Explore the complete history of confrontations between the two poles of Egyptian football since 1917.

If you’re looking for innovative and beautiful visualizations of your data, I would love to help!